
Successful registration

Thank you for signing up! Detailed information and translation links will be sent to your mailbox soon. 

Step 1: Save the date

You're probably busy too that's why we recommend to put the date in your calendar so you don't forget about it. Here's the date of the NEXT Webinar:

🗓️ 2nd Webinar: Tuesday, July 21, 2024 6:00 PM CEST

Step 2: Join the free Telegram group

We created a dedicated Telegram group for the webinar series which is free for the participants:

Join us here

3.  Invite your friends

If you know someone who is interested in the free telecall series, we would appreciate if you could send them the link. You can even share it with them on Messenger or Facebook:

Show up live because it has such a different energy.

A little message

Erdélyi Nikolett

Hi, this is Nikolett, and thank you for signing up for the series!

Change starts with this one thing: your choice. ✨

I also recommend the amazing class below, which is a wonderful investment in your brand new life! 🚀

The Foundation - Nikolett & Brendon Watt

Access Consciousness® Foundation

During the 3-and-a-half-day live Access Consciousness® Foundation course you can break down the points of view that limit you and build a stable basis for your new life. You get the entire toolkit to finally own everything you really want.

More about the Foundation class

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